Friday 26 December 2014

Kim Kardashian Upset Because she Can't Get Pregnant for second baby

It has been reported by TMZ that Kim and Kanye has been trying to get have another baby after North west but they have been unlucky because Kim is finding it hard to conceive.She is said to be very unhappy about their current sitaution and are seriously looking for a solution because they need the baby badly.My advise is that they should come to Nigeria and meet some Miracle pastors and they might be able to help out.Read what TMZ reported,

Kim Kardashian is upset for a very good reason ... as hard as she's been trying, she can't get pregnant.

Kim has been very open with friends and family ... she and Kanye have been trying to have another baby for the last 9 months but nothing has worked. Kim has been to fertility doctors, but they've made it clear ... having another baby is a long shot.
Turns out North West was a miracle baby ... she had 3 specialists tell her she couldn't get pregnant before North was conceived.  
Kim and Kanye assumed the second baby would be easier since it worked once, but the doctors are telling her that's not the case.
We're told Kim is trying to reduce her stress and cut down on traveling ... per doctor's advice.
The pic was taken Tuesday in Bev Hills after visiting her doctor. We're told Kanye has been to almost every doctor's visit ... Kim goes once a month.

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