Tuesday 23 December 2014

Beji Caid Essebsi wins Tunisia presidential Election

Beji Caid Essebsi is the winner of Tunisia's first ever free presidential election.He beat the incumbent Moncef Marzouki with 55.68 percent of the vote, while Moncef Marzouki's got 44.32 percent
Marzouki took to Facebook to concede defeat and congratulated Essebsi on winning the election.

Essebsi statement through a local television station,

"I dedicate my victory to the martyrs of Tunisia. I thank Marzouki, and now we should work together without excluding anyone,"

Essebsi, is 88 years old and was a former official in Ben Ali's one-party administration, but reinvented himself as a technocrat and his secular Nidaa Tounes (Call for Tunisia) party profited from the backlash against the country's first post-revolt Islamist government. Aljazeera Reports.

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