Thursday 16 April 2015

19-year-old model bathes in PIG BLOOD to remaim forever Young.

A 19-year-old model, Chanel from California has taken to bathing in pig's blood in her desperate attempt to maintain her youthful appearance and remain young forever mailonline reports.

In the latest episode of MTV's True Life, entitled 'I'm Obsessed With Staying Young', the Californian model Chanel listed her unique skincare method, which she tries to justify by claiming that 'thousands of years ago people did this and it worked'. She stated that for her to continue with her modeling career she need to remain young and active.

'My greatest fear is getting old and developing wrinkles and extra loose skin,' Chanel says. 'So to prevent that from happening I must do whatever it takes.'

More pictures of the model after the cut,

Picture Credit: MTV.

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