Monday 20 April 2015

PDP mourns Senator Uche Chukwumerije

The entire members of the Nigeria Ruling party PDP has been thrown into mourning on the sudden loss of their member and serving senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Senator Uche Chukwumerije.The have condoled with the family and issued a press statement to the public.

"April 19, 2015

Press Statement

PDP Mourns Senator Uche Chukwumerije.

The National Chairman, on behalf of the National Executive Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the PDP family nation wide mourns the death of Senator Uche Chukwumerije who passed on this evening.

We are indeed deeply saddened by the loss of this great Nigerian, a highly respected statesman who has made immense contributions to the development of our dear nation.
Senator Chukuwumerije lived a patriotic Nigerian and a brilliant lawmaker who gave his all and discharged his responsibilities with unequaled forthrightness, loyalty and commitment to the service of our dear fatherland.

He was a democratic icon and an outstanding party-man who remained committed to the ideology of the PDP and the visions of the founding fathers.
We will greatly miss him. Our hearts and thoughts go out to his family as we pray God to give them the fortitude to bear this great loss.

Olisa Metuh
National Publicity Secretary"

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