Wednesday 15 April 2015

Transcript of A Special Broadcast by Obiano to Thank Ndi Anambra for Voting for APGA

The Governor of Anambra state Willie Obiano who the people of Anambra voted for his party during last Saturday's State House of Assembly elections has made a special broadcast to that effect thanking his people for supporting his party.Read the broadcast as shared by the Governor.

"Ndi Anambra udo dili unu,

Fellow citizens, last Saturday, history was made in Anambra State. Yes, last Saturday, we joined hands with one another to lay the foundation for a prosperous Anambra State. We rose as one people to affirm the words of the Anambra Anthem that “… in togetherness, we will build a land of progress.” Ndi Anambra, when we cast our votes for the All Progressive Grand Alliance in the House of Assembly election, we offered a huge support to on-going efforts to re-imagine a bigger and better Anambra State. I must thank you for voting massively for all the 30 candidates of APGA in the House of Assembly election.

Eric Hofer, American writer and thinker once observed that “the only way to predict the future is to have the power to shape it.” Ndi Anambra, in voting massively for APGA in last Saturday’s election, you have graciously handed to me and Nkem Okeke, the power to shape the future of Anambra State. You have massively renewed, re-invigorated and re-validated the sacred mandate you gave to us to build a better state for you…and we shall not fail you. Ndi Anambra we shall not let you down! Ndi b’anyi, oga adili unu mma o!

Fellow citizens, our victory in last Saturday’s election has thoroughly exposed the large scale fraud, perpetrated by the PDP in the March 28, 2015 National Assembly election in Anambra State. The voting patterns and the overall results have shown that APGA actually swept all the three Senatorial Seats in the state but the outcome was manipulated to give temporary victory to PDP. And today, I say to those who are gloating over their stolen mandates – “don’t rejoice for too long, because this injustice shall not stand!”

Ndi Anambra, we have resolved that those who rob us in the dead of the night shall not have the liberty to enjoy their spoils in the light of day. We have assembled a mountain of evidence to deny them that un-merited happiness. Ndi Anambra, we shall re-possess those stolen mandates!

Umu nnem, as we all know, the anti-democracy agents that robbed us of victory in the National Assembly election also made another attempt to hijack the electoral process in the House of Assembly election last Saturday. Happily, their attempts to manipulate the people’s will again in Ekwusigo, Anaocha 1 & 2 and Aguata 1, failed woefully this time. As a result, a fresh election will hold this Saturday in the affected places.

Ndi Anambra, oke anaro ata ife onye mu anya! This Saturday, all eyes must be on the four places where voting will take place. We must always remember the wise words of former American President, Thomas Jefferson that “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” We must all rise to the challenge of ensuring that the constitutional rights of our people to decide who should represent them in the legislative assembly is not tampered with.

To my good people of Ekwusigo, Anaocha and Aguata, I assure you that I will do everything humanly possible to ensure that the candidates of your choice emerge victorious on Saturday. Although I have no doubt that our great party, APGA, will sweep the four Seats in contention, I wish to assure Ndi Anambra as the Chief Security Officer of this great state, that the contest will be free, fair and peaceful. I have the assurances of INEC and all the Service Commanders in this state that the process will be free of the challenges that led to the cancellation of the exercise last weekend.

Umu nnem, once again I urge you to stand up and be counted. I urge you to lend a hand in the current efforts to create a brighter future for Anambra State. In the words of Werner Erhard, foremost American critical thinker, “we create our future from our future, not our past.” I urge all the people of Ekwusigo, Anaocha and Aguata to play a role in creating a brighter future for yourselves by voting for the four APGA candidates standing election this Saturday. Please, remember that your brothers and sisters from all over Anambra State voted for APGA. You can’t afford to be left behind. Join the moving train! Vote for APGA!

Ndi Anambra, oga adili unu mma!

Long live Anambra State

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Thank you

Willie Obiano

Governor Anambra State"

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